Latest NEWS

Oct 14, 2024 The session schedule was opened.
Aug 8, 2024 The deadline of Eearly registration was was extended to Sep 30.
June 14, 2024 The deadline of paper submission was was extended to June 22.
May 31, 2024 The deadline of paper submission was was extended to June 15.
May 1, 2024 Submission page has opened. Stylefiles were provided.
Apr 30, 2024 Please note that NOLTA2024 will be held in a face-to-face format.
Apr 15, 2024 The deadline of special session proposal was extended to Apr. 23.

About NOLTA2024

The 2024 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2024) will be held at Ha long Bay, Vietnam, Dec. 3–6, 2024.
NOLTA2024 will be in-person conference.

The objective of the symposium is to provide a forum for exchange of the latest results related to nonlinear theory and its applications. Papers describing original results in all aspects of nonlinear theory and its applications are invited. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Nonlinear Phenomena
- Chaos and Bifurcation
- Oscillations and Synchronization
- Chemical Reactions
Computational Intelligence
- Neural Networks
- Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Evolutionary Computation
- Fuzzy Systems
Engineering Applications
- Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
- Control Systems
- Communication Networks and Systems
- Signal Processing
- Applied Mathematics
Complex Networks/Systems
- Large-Scale Networks
- Social Dynamics
- Neuro Dynamics
- Mathematical Economics
Call for papers

Author's schedule

Apr 15 23, 2024 Extended!!
Deadline for Special Session proposals
May 1, 2024
Notification of acceptance for Special Sessions
June 22, 2024 Extended again!!
Deadline for submission of full papers for Regular and Special Sessions
Aug 11, 2024
Notification of acceptance for Regular and Special Session Papers
Sep 11, 2024
Deadline for submission of all camera-ready papers
Sep 11 30, 2024 Extended!!
Early registration deadline
Nov 20, 2024
Late registration deadline
Dec 3-6, 2024


Presentation instructions

All sessions will take place at their scheduled times in a live and interactive format. Session chairs, (organisers) and speakers are required to arrive in their session rooms 10 minutes prior to the posted start time of the session to set up. An LCD projector, a screen and a laser pointer/pointer stick will be available in all meeting rooms. All presenters will need to provide a laptop computer with an HDMI port for their presentation. The conference organisers are not responsible for the operation or safekeeping of participants' computer equipment. The basic time limit for each presentation is 18 minutes. We expect 14-15 minutes for the presentation, 2-3 minutes for Q&A, and 1 minute for the presentation transition. Session chairs are asked to respect the time slot even if a speaker finishes early or a presentation is cancelled.

Symposium information



Anyone wishing to arrange air travel from Japan should contact


As Halong Bay has no airport, it must be accessed from Hanoi. The buses and private cars from Hanoi to Halong Bay are available below.

Transportation website

Invitation Letter

If a NOLTA2024 invitation letter is needed to obtain a visa or permission of the conference attendance, please request it to the conference committee: with the following information:

  • Please proceed with the payment for conference registration fee via the registration site.
  • Your Name, Affiliation, Registration number, Paper ID, Paper title, All author name(s) of the paper.
Basically, we can send a pdf version by e-mail. If you need an original version by postal mail, please let us know that with your postal-mail address.


Registration is required for you to present your work. At least one of authors should make a registration by Sep 11. It allows that one author registration for up to two papers.

Cancellation policy:

Not refund.


We ONLY accept the payments by credit card. If you need considerable modifications in your registration data, you should register your information on the registration form again. In case of minor changes, please contact us by e-mail:
Confirmation e-mail (including payment way of fee) will be sent to your e-mail address inputted in the registration form after completing your registration. If the confirmation e-mail is still not delivered after one or two days, please contact us by e-mail:

About issuing receipt ( an evidence of your payment ) :

The receipt will be sent to your email address as attached PDF file. If you need to change the name on the receipt, please contact to

Please register via the registraion page

registration page

Registraion fee

(~ Sep 30)
(Oct 1 ~ Nov 20)
Regular participant 70,000 JPY 80,000 JPY
Regular participant
(NLS, KMMS, and KICS members)
65,000 JPY 75,000 JPY
Student participant 50,000 JPY 60,000 JPY
Student participant
(NLS, KMMS, and KICS members)
45,000 JPY 55,000 JPY
Extra tickets for Welcome Party 5,000 JPY/person 5,000 JPY/person
Extra tickets for Banquet 15,000 JPY/person 15,000 JPY/person

Student Paper Award

The NOLTA2024 Symposium Committee will present student paper awards. The award candidates should be a full student, and the first author and the presenter of the NOLTA2024 paper. In addition, the awarded paper should be a 4-page camera-ready manuscript. The selections of the awards are based on the quality, originality, and clarity of the paper and the presentation.

Plenary Talks

Special lectures

Person 1


University of Catania

Person 2

Yoshihiko HORIO

Tohoku Univeristy

Person 2

Nguyen Linh Trung

Vietnam National University

Call for Special Sessions

NOLTA2024 welcomes proposals for special sessions. Special Sessions consist of a group of papers having a common, unified theme. Persons wishing to organize a Special Session should submit a proposal in text format or PDF format to Special Session Chairs ( ) by Apr. 15, 2024.

Proposals should include:
  • Title of the proposed session.
  • Scope of the proposed session.
  • Special session organizer, affiliation, and e-mail.
  • List of, at least five (or four), prospective contributed papers. For each paper, the following items should be included: title, author(s), and contact information of the corresponding author.
The final camera-ready paper for each presentation in Special Sessions can be a one-page summary. Please note that the four-pages final camera-ready manuscript is necessary for a student to be eligible for paper awards (see Student Paper Awards page)

Paper Submission Guidelines

Preparation of Papers

1. LaTeX Style File and MS Word Template

For the convenience of LaTeX users, we provide a LaTeX style file (nolta2024.sty) which automatically formats the manuscript in accordance with the symposium requirements. A LaTeX sample file (nolta2024.tex) will show you how to use the style file. We also provide a Microsoft Word template (nolta2024.docx) and a sample paper in PDF format (nolta2024.pdf).

If you do not use these templates, please read the instructions below carefully and follow them as closely as possible in order to produce high-quality proceedings with common formatting for all papers.

2. Paper Format

Please prepare your paper in A4 format (210mm by 297mm). Set the top margin to 30mm except for the first page which begins 35mm from the top edge. Set the bottom margin to 30mm and the left and right margin to 20mm. Text, figures, tables, and references must be contained in a 170mm by 237mm area. All text must be in two-column format with 5mm column separation. The paper should not exceed four pages in length. Please do not put page numbers on your paper.

3. Typesetting

The text should be written with a font size of 10pt unless specified otherwise. Times New Roman font is recommended for consistency and readability both on screen and in print. Please do not use Asian fonts as this will make your manuscript unreadable for reviewers.

4. Title, Authors, and Affiliations

The title of the paper appears on the first page, centered over both columns, and is set in 14pt bold letters. The author names appear below the title in 12pt. The affiliations should be given below the author names in 10pt and contain full mailing address and email address.

5. Abstract

The paper should start with an abstract giving a short overview on the discussed matter and the presented results.

6. Section Headings

Section and subsection headings should appear in 10pt bold face, while subsubsection headings in 10pt italic face. The first letter of each major word must be capitalized.
ii) Alignment
All the headings should be aligned left.
iii) Numbering
Section, subsection, and subsubsection headings should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

7. Equations

Equations are centered and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses as follows:

8. References

A list of references should appear at the end of the paper. Number all references consecutively with Arabic numerals in square brackets. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets as [1].

Creating PDF files

1. Software

As mentioned above, only electronic submission of papers in PDF format is accepted. There are several methods for creating PDF files: Adobe Distiller, PDFWriter, ps2pdf, dvipdfm, pdflatex, and so on. Generally, Adobe Distiller provides higher quality output than others, and is therefore preferred.

2. Embedding Fonts

All fonts must be embedded into the PDF file of your paper including the following standard 14 fonts:

  • Courier
  • Courier, Italic
  • Courier, Bold
  • Courier, Bold Italic
  • Arial MT
  • Arial MT, Italic
  • Arial MT, Bold
  • Arial MT, Bold Italic
  • Times New Roman PS MT
  • Times New Roman PS MT, Italic
  • Times New Roman PS MT, Bold
  • Times New Roman PS MT, Bold Italic
  • Symbol
  • ZapfDingbats
that come with Acrobat Reader, so that the file can be viewed correctly on any computer. The method of embedding fonts is different on various systems and PDF creation mechanisms; for example, in Adobe Disitller, choose Job Options and check Embed All Fonts. For authors using other software, please refer to your own help sources.

Before submission, please make sure that all fonts are embedded into the PDF file you have created. To view the font information for a PDF, open the file in an Acrobat Reader, go to the File menu, select Document Info, and then Fonts. The Font Info dialog box displays font information. If Used Font column is set to Embedded or Embedded Subset, it means that the font is correctly embedded.

3. File Protection

Please do neither password protect nor encrypt your PDF file so that we can insert headings and page numbers.

Submission of Papers

1. How to Submit

To submit your electronic manuscript, please visit Submission page and follow the given instructions.
Submission page

2. File Size

File size is strictly limited to 10 MB. Any file with the size bigger than 10 MB will be automatically rejected by the NOLTA2024 web submission system.

ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID

[Important] ORCID iDs for ALL the authors are required for publication of your manuscript in the NOLTA2024 symposium proceedings.

ORCID is a 16-digit identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers. Please visit for more details. NOLTA2024 encourages authors to create their ORCID iDs. If you don’t already have an ORCID iD, you can register via https://orcidorg/register. Please enter the ORCID iDs for all the authors in the \orcid command like “\orcid{First Author: 0000-0000-0000-0000, Second Author: 1234-9999-9999-9999}” below the \maketitle command of the LATEX manuscrip The ORCID iDs will appear in the footnote on the first page of the paper and will help readers find related papers the authors have already published.


Mikio Hasegawa (Tokyo Univ Science)
Pham Thanh Huy (Phenikaa Univ)

Hiroo Sekiya (Chiba Univ)
Ngo Hong Son (Phenikaa Univ)

Tomoyuki Sasaki (Shonan Inst Tech)

Tohru Ikeguchi (Tokyo Univ Science)
Tadashi Tsubone (Nagaoka Univ Tech)
Won-Joo Hwang (Pusan National Univ)

Yoko Uwate (Tokushima Univ)

Hidehiro Nakano (Tokyo City Univ)
Vu Ngoc Hai (Phenikaa Univ)

Yuu Miino (Naruto Univ Education)
Takafumi Matsuura (Nippon Inst Tech)

Shoma Ohara (Tokyo Univ Tech)

Ryosuke Hosaka (Shibaura Inst Tech)
Nguyen Quoc Dinh (Phenikaa Univ)

Maki Arai (Tokyo Univ Science)

Kien Nguyen (Chiba Univ)
Luong Van Thien (Phenikaa Univ)

Takayuki Kimura (Nippon Inst Tech)
Yutaka Shimada (Saitama Univ)
Yoshikazu Yamanaka (Utsunomiya Univ)
Mai Xuan Trang (Phenikaa Univ)
